React Native DailyCall properties

Configure the DailyCall

You can pass a properties object that configures the DailyCall to any of the factory methods. (You can also set these properties when you call the load() or join() methods).



Optional as a DailyCall property if a url is passed to the join() method. Otherwise, required.


Optional meeting token

(Used with the join() method).

Optional: set to true to disable the default behavior of automatically turning on your camera on the first call to either join() or startCamera().

Note: this means that if you turn on your camera as part of or after startCamera(), using startVideoOff: true in a subsequent join() will have no effect.

You can also control what happens on a direct join() (i.e. without startCamera() first) using token or room properties.

Optional: set to true to disable the default behavior of automatically turning on your microphone on the first call to either join() or startCamera().

Note: this means that if you turn on your microphone as part of or after startCamera(), using startAudioOff: true in a subsequent join() will have no effect.

You can also control what happens on a direct join() (i.e. without startCamera() first) using token or room properties.


Optional: Sets the participant's userName


Optional: Sets custom userData on the participant. See setUserData() for more details and requirements.

For Daily Prebuilt, you can use userData to add a user avatar picture which will be displayed when the camera is muted. To add this, include avatar: ${hostedUrl} to the userData object.

Optional: Receive all audio, video, and screen tracks from all call participants

Default: true

Applies only when connected in SFU mode.

A value of false means no tracks will be received until they are explicitly subscribed to. Read more about manual track subscriptions in our docs.

boolean or MediaStreamTrack object

Optional: set the audio track, device, or initial state for the call.

Default: true

Pass false only if the participant's audio should remain muted the entire call.

Pass a device ID string (like you get back from enumerateDevices() to specify what audio input device to use.

Or pass a MediaStreamTrack object to use that audio/video track directly. If you pass a MediaStreamTrack, you're responsible for managing the lifecycle of that track. If you pass a Device ID string, the Daily API will manage the media track for that device.

boolean or MediaStreamTrack object

Optional: set the video track, device, or initial state for the call.

Default: true

Pass false only if the participant's video should remain muted the entire call.

Pass a device ID string (like you get back from enumerateDevices()) to specify what video input device to use.

Or pass a MediaStreamTrack object to use that audio/video track directly. If you pass a MediaStreamTrack, you're responsible for managing the lifecycle of that track. If you pass a Device ID string, the Daily API will manage the media track for that device.

Optional: Takes a media receive settings object (see updateReceiveSettings() for details). Specifies the receive settings to use right away upon joining the call.

Optional: Takes a media send settings object (see updateSendSettings() for details). Specifies the send settings to use right away upon joining the call.


This property has been deprecated. Instead, use the sendSettings iframe property to specify custom simulcast encodings.

Optional: Requests that a participant sends video spatial layers with specific simulcast encodings (maxBitrate, maxFramerate, and scaleResolutionDownBy) to the server. Must be passed as a property of a dailyConfig object.

string or object

Optional (Advanced): Configures the sender's audio tracks (audio or screenAudio) to be either music or speech. When set to music, a 256kbps stereo audio track will be sent to other participants. When set to speech, browser defaults will be applied.

Alternatively, an object can be provided in order to specify the audio bitrate and stereo mode. The bitrate is a number in bits per second and the stereo mode is a boolean, where true enables 2-channel stereo audio and false enables 1-channel mono audio.

Must be passed as a property of a dailyConfig object.

micAudioMode works in SFU mode only.

Example object:

Default: null

Optional (Advanced): Allows for audio media constraints to be defined. Must be passed as a property of a dailyConfig object. The value passed can be a MediaTrackConstraints object or true to get react-native-webrtc's default behavior, which may be different from Daily's defaults.

Constraints will be used when Daily invokes getUserMedia().

If micAudioMode is set to music, this property will be overwritten in favor of the music settings.

Optional (Advanced): Allows for video media constraints to be defined. Must be passed as a property of a dailyConfig object. The value passed can be a MediaTrackConstraints object or true to get react-native-webrtc's default behavior, which may be different from Daily's defaults.

Constraints will be used when Daily invokes getUserMedia().


Optional (Advanced): Allows for specifying custom TURN servers rather than only using Daily's default TURN servers.

⚠️ This configuration property is part of the Advanced Firewall Control add-on. Please contact Sales to enable this functionality.

Must be passed as a property of a dailyConfig object.



  • type: RTCIceServer[]
  • description: Each object in the array has properties urls, username and credential. See RTCIceServer[] for full description.
  • default: []


  • type: 'front' | 'back' | 'replace'
  • description: Controls how the provided iceServers are included relative to the Daily-provided servers. 'front' means the provided iceServers are included in the array first. 'back' means the Daily-provided servers are included first. 'replace' means that only the provided iceServers are used. Since all known WebRTC implementations will try all included iceServers and pick one based on the lowest RTT, we recommend omitting this property unless using 'replace'.
  • default: 'front'


  • type: 'all' | 'relay'
  • description: 'all' will use all of the candidates. 'relay' will only use relay candidates, such as those passing through a TURN server. See RTCIceTransportPolicy Enum for more information. Note: Forcing the use of relay candidates is useful for testing, but for most production use cases, the default value of 'all' should be used.
  • default: 'all'

Example object:

After setting iceConfig as a frame property, it will be necessary to call setIceConfig() periodically so that the iceServer credentials remain valid, in case they are needed for reconnections, or to connect to new peers in peer mode.

It is recommended to use TURN server credentials that are valid for more than one hour, and call setIceConfig() every hour to refresh the credentials, if possible.


Optional (Advanced): If defined, connections to Daily's HTTPS and WebSocket endpoints will be sent instead to the specified proxy server.

⚠️ This configuration property is part of the Advanced Firewall Control add-on. Please contact Sales to enable this functionality.

Must be passed as a property of a dailyConfig object. Defaults to null.


If needed, setProxyUrl() can be used to modify the property once set.

Proxy requirements

The proxy server must proxy HTTPS connections to:


It must also proxy HTTPS connections converting to WebSockets on * If possible, proxying on * is best.

Note: the URLs listed here are subject to change in subsequent releases of daily-js.

React Native specific properties (reactNativeConfig)



Optional: title to display in the Android "ongoing call" notification

If you need a localized title, set this property to your localized string

Default: "In a call"


Optional: subtitle to display in the Android "ongoing call" notification

If you need a localized subtitle, set this property to your localized string

Default: "You're in a call. Tap to open it."


Optional: name of Android drawable resource to display in Android "ongoing call" notification

Default: "ic_daily_videocam_24dp", a video camera icon

Optional: whether to disable the Android "ongoing call" notification entirely

Default: false

CAUTION: only set this property if you plan to provide your own Android foreground service, which is important to keeping the call alive and connected while your app is in the background.

Changing this property is not recommended for most apps.



Optional: whether to disable automatic audio device management, which encompasses audio device selection and configuration (controlled by nativeInCallAudioMode()) as well as auto-muting the mic based on loss of audio focus.

Default: false

CAUTION: only set this property if you plan to manage native audio routing yourself.

Changing this property is not recommended for most apps.


Optional: whether to disable automatic video device management, which auto-mutes the camera when the app is backgrounded.

Default: false

CAUTION: Auto-muting is especially important on iOS since your app can't capture video while in the background anyway, so it's better to let other participants know.

Changing this property is not recommended for most apps.