Dec 23, 2022

In this release, we've made a number of performance and bug fixes across our products. Happy holidays!



  • Improved logging to include pre-join logs. Additionally, added new logs for identifying when multiple daily instances are connected simultaneously (multiple daily instances is unsupported and leads to unexpected issues).
  • Added server-side support for detecting and warning clients when they are using a daily-js version that is nearing end of support, unsupported, or nearing end of life. Additionally, added a means to reject a client from joining if using a version that is past end of life.
  • Improved screen-share error handling. Screen-share errors now include more detailed information about how and why the error occurred.
  • Fixed background-blur bug where a failure caused the processor to get stuck in a busy state.
  • Fixed for slower background-blur frame rate.
  • Added better logging around fatal errors and ejections.
  • Improved the error messaging in streaming/recording API to clarify the UUID requirement when an invalid ID is provided.
  • Turned off debug level logging in large calls.
  • Added back the logging for Highest-videoFrameSize.
  • Improved logging for debugging cases where users are ejected.



  • Improved logging to include pre-join logs. Additionally, added new logs for identifying when multiple daily instances are connected simultaneously (multiple daily instances is unsupported and leads to unexpected issues).
  • Added server-side support for detecting and warning clients when they are using a daily-js version that is nearing end of support, unsupported, or nearing end of life. Additionally, added a means to reject a client from joining if using a version that is past end of life.
  • Bumped the version of react-native-webrtc to get various fixes for Samsung devices.

Daily Prebuilt

  • Improved the robustness of receiving and playing audio tracks in large meetings with many speakers.
  • Improved the visibility of the notification snackbar by ensuring that it always appears over the main call area.
  • Added a number of performance improvements that result in less CPU use and smoother scrolling through the participant bar when in Speaker View.
  • Fixed an issue where Safari on macOS would crash due to overscrolling the participant bar when in Speaker View.
  • Improved error handling for screen-share errors.


Live streaming & recording

  • Improved stability of live streams and recordings by borrowing resources across regions if the current region is saturated.
  • Fixed a number of bugs including one where our HLS pipeline would hang when using a portrait layout.


  • Added the omitAudioOnly parameter that allows one to omit audio-only participants from the composition. Similar to what is possible with omitPausedVideo (omit participants that have their video paused).


  • Fixed an issue where turning on a virtual background would drop the frame rate to 11fps.