February 22, 2024


In this release, we've shipped two new features:

  • Daily Adaptive Bitrate (Early access) for 1:1 calls
  • Live captions for Daily Prebuilt
  • Improved user analytics for HIPAA compliant customers



HIPAA: User analytics improvements

For customers with HIPAA compliance enabled for their account, you can now set a user's user_id to a UUID using a meeting token. Since this UUID doesn't contain and PHI or PII, it can be stored by Daily. Using this UUID, you can map between the Daily call and tracking you have for that individual to provide better troubleshooting support, usage tracking, and analytics. You can read more about this in our docs.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Daily Adaptive Bitrate: Early Access

Unlock enhanced video quality and performance with Daily Adaptive Bitrate, combining ultra-reliable calls and the best visual experience your network can offer—automatically adjusting in real-time to suit fluctuating bandwidth availability.

During early access, Daily Adaptive Bitrate is available for 1:1 calls only. Multi-party call support will be available shortly. Check out the early access docs to get started now.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Release notes

We released daily-js 0.57.4, which includes a number of small bug fixes. For more information, check out the release notes for 0.57.1 through 0.57.4.



HIPAA: User analytics improvements

For customers with HIPAA compliance enabled for their account, you can now set a user's user_id to a UUID using a meeting token. Since this UUID doesn't contain and PHI or PII, it can be stored by Daily. Using this UUID, you can map between the Daily call and tracking you have for that individual to provide better troubleshooting support, usage tracking, and analytics. You can read more about this in our docs.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Release notes

We released react-native-daily-js 0.56.0, which includes a PSTN features, bugfixes, and other improvements. For more information, check out the release notes.


Release notes

We released react-native-daily-js 0.55.2, which includes a few bugfixes. For more information, check out the release notes.




  • Added participantId field to TranscriptionMessageData.
  • Added transcriptId field to TranscriptionStatus.


  • Fixed multiple issues which could cause a deadlock during network reconnection.
  • Ensure that updateInputs() continues to be usable while the network is down.
  • Fixed an issue where the SDK could fail to release resources when turning off the camera track.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur if the network connection drops soon after joining.




  • Fixed multiple issues which could cause a deadlock during network reconnection.
  • Ensure that updateInputs() continues to be usable while the network is down.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur if the network connection drops soon after joining.



Release notes

We released daily-python 0.6.2 and 0.6.3, which contain a number of audio quality improvements and bug fixes. For more information, check out the release notes:

Daily Prebuilt

Features and improvements

  • Added support for Daily Adaptive Bitrate for 1:1 calls.
  • Added support for live captions in Daily Prebuilt. To use this feature, you need to set enable_live_captions_ui to true for your domain or room and also ensure that transcriptions are configured to start, which you can read more about here.
  • Add an option to hide the screen share overlay, which appears for the screen sharer.


  • When a camera is turned back on, fix an issue where the video tile appears frozen while loading.
  • Fixed an issue where Prebuilt would get an undefined error when useLegacyVideoProcessor was not defined.
  • Fixed instructions when microphone access is blocked in Chrome 119+.

Media Services

Dial-in & Dial-out

  • Added support for a new method, sendDTMF(), for transmitting DTMF signals during calls.
  • Added support for allowing PSTN dial-in and SIP-dial-in to run simultaneously in a room.



  • Enable live captions for Daily Prebuilt for either your entire domain or room using the dashboard setting called Live Captions UI.


  • Added support for transcripts to be used an input to summaries and SOAP notes in the Batch Processor. To learn more, check out our new examples.
  • SFU mode is now the default calling mode. You can configure your domain or rooms for SFU calls by setting the sfu_switchover property.
  • Fixed an issue where raw-tracks recordings were not ending the recording after the maxDuration flag was set.
  • The oldest supported version of daily-js is now 0.50.0.