July 5, 2024


daily-js upgrades its precall method to allow for easier and more accurate network performance estimates before joining a call. Also, daily-js and react-native-daily-js both add early support to build with multiple call instances. Lastly, dial-in and dial-out support more capabilities.



Pre-beta: Multiple call instances

We've added pre-beta support for using multiple call instances within the same browser window context. You can opt-in to using this feature by setting allowMultipleCallInstances to true in your Daily constructor properties.

New precall test method

The new testCallQuality() method allows you assess a client's network performance before joining a call. The results returned by this test provide a measurement of the available outgoing bitrate, packet loss, latency, and round trip time. These values provide information to set appropriate send settings before a user joins their call. To learn more about this method, check out the docs.

Release notes

To learn more about the release, check out the release notes.



  • Fixed an issue where the call machine was not loading inside webviews on iOS 16.
  • Improved handling of an underlying Chrome bug with regards to screensharing. We have witnessed issues when sharing a tab with audio on Chrome where the audio track will end when switching which tab is shared using Chrome’s built-in “Share this tab instead” button. Previously, when this happened we would end the screenshare. Now, we will send a nonfatal-error (see example below) but will not end the screenshare so that video can continue. However, a user will have to restart the screenshare in order to recover audio. We have filed an issue with Chromium.



Pre-beta: Multiple call instances

We've added pre-beta support for using multiple call instances within the same browser window context. You can opt-in to using this feature by setting allowMultipleCallInstances to true in your Daily constructor properties.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.



Advanced firewall controls

daily-android now supports an IP proxy and the ability to override Daily's TURN servers with your own. These new features will help customers who have users in a locked down network environment. Rather than provide an extensive allow list, these new features can help simplify the network requirements for your customers' environment.

Contact us to learn more.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.



Advanced firewall controls

daily-ios now supports an IP proxy and the ability to override Daily's TURN servers with your own. These new features will help customers who have users in a locked down network environment. Rather than provide an extensive allow list, these new features can help simplify the network requirements for your customers' environment.

Contact us to learn more.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


0.10.0, 0.10.1

Release notes

These releases contain a few small features and bugfixes. For more information, check out the release notes.




  • useParticipantIds(): when using a custom filter or sort it was possible that useParticipantIds() would return stale state until a participant-updated event was emitted.
  • useActiveSpeakerId(): the internally stored id of the last active speaker is now correctly reset when receiving a left-meeting event.
  • useParticipantProperty(): when embedding a Daily React app inside Angular's NgZone, attempting to resolve a MediaStreamTrack property could result in a recursive loop, due to NgZone's monkey-patching behavior on certain browser objects.

Daily Prebuilt

Improvements and fixes

  • Improved the handling of audio when receiving an incoming call for iOS 16 users.
  • Fixed an issue where raising and lowering hands wasn't immediately visible in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the call machine was not loading inside the webview on iOS 16.

Media Services

Dial-in & Dial-out

  • Added domain config pin_dialin,which allows assigning phone numbers for pin dial-in.
  • Added the /release-phone-number/:id endpoint to delete a purchased phone number.
  • Added a new dialout-answered event, which is emitted when a call is answered.


  • Added more audio-specific options for the VCS simulator (make audio-only participant dominant, and associate with screenshare track)
  • VCS baseline composition bug fixes for audio-only participants with the dominant flag set (i.e. active speaker): dominant mode + preferScreenshare now works as expected
  • Fixed the inconsistent behavior with preferScreenshare when in grid mode and the VCS baseline comp param videoSettings.grid.useDominantForSharing is enabled
  • New VCS param 'videoSettings.pip.includeWebFrame' allows WebFrame content to be automatically included as the primary content in the pip (picture-in-picture) layout mode

Batch processor

  • Batch processor returns a specific error if input audio is silent
  • Batch processor now uses the remux-mp4 operation to process recordings over 2GB in size


  • Fixed an issue where the /meetings REST endpoint no longer returned info for deleted rooms if the request included a room name.
  • The oldest supported version of daily-js is now 0.57.0.