April 5, 2021

Changelog #012

Audio-only demo app Party Line features icons representing speakers and listeners

Test out an audio-only platform or build your own with our Party Line demo and source code.

In addition to all changes below, since we last wrote we shipped a multi-platform audio-only demo we're calling Party Line. Read on, then Party on!

daily-js 0.11.0

🔇  More insight into why a participant's audio or video might be off.

If a meeting owner explicitly mutes a participant via updateParticipant(id, { setAudio: false }) or updateParticipant(id, { setVideo: false }), or mutes multiple participants via updateParticipants(), then participants()[id].tracks.audio.off and participants()[id].tracks.video.off may now include byRemoteRequest: true.

Note that when byRemoteRequest: true is set, byUser: true will also be set. You don't have to change any existing code and can continue treating meeting-owner-triggered mutes as regular mutes. When a user unmutes themselves, byRemoteRequest disappears along with byUser.

The current default value is 9, which is also the maximum number that may be specified.

🎥  Specify max_cam_streams used in a live stream.

When using the default layout in startLiveStreaming(), you can now limit the number of camera streams included in the live stream to the specified number.

layout: { preset: 'default', max_cam_streams: 4 },

react-native-daily-js 0.8.0

🔏  (BETA) Room access control methods and events

If you're using WebSocket signaling (signaling_impl = 'ws' in your room config), then you can try out a new set of room access control APIs geared towards implementing a "lobby". Users can request "full" access to a meeting and wait for a meeting owner to let them in.

These new methods and events let you:

🔇  More insight into why a participant's audio or video might be off (see daily-js 0.11.0 above).

Bugfixes and other improvements

New blog posts and podcasts