October 17, 2023


  • daily-android adds support for screen sharing.
  • daily-js and react-native-daily-js receive a major call metrics upgrade, which will help you better understand the performance of your calls.
  • daily-js and react-native-daily-js add support for stopping other participants' screen shares.



Hello, screen share

daily-android now supports screen sharing. To get started, check out the docs for startScreenShare(), stopScreenShare(), and setScreenShareProjectionIntent().

Release notes



Release notes

  • This release of daily-ios includes a number of bugfixes.
  • For more information, check out the release notes.



Call metrics improvements

The call metrics logging has been improved. Improvements include:

  • Many new call metrics, including min and max values for existing metrics and brand new metrics like roundTripTimeMax and roundTripTimeMin
  • packetLoss calculations have been improved to increase accuracy
  • packetsLostPct is deprecated. New values have been added which provide a more accurate measurement of packet loss: packetLossPctAvg, packetLossPctMax, packetLossPctMin, and packetLossPctLastValue
  • Improved accuracy of metrics around times when metrics aren't reported
  • Fixed an issue where metrics would stop reporting after a call reconnect

Release notes


Stop a participant's screen share

'participants' admins can now stop screen shares initiated by other participants in a session. This added capability allows admins to moderate the content that's shared in a session.

Release notes



Call metrics improvements

The call metrics logging has been improved. Improvements include:

  • Many new call metrics, including min and max values for existing metrics and brand new metrics like roundTripTimeMax and roundTripTimeMin
  • packetLoss calculations have been improved to increase accuracy
  • packetsLostPct is deprecated and replaced by packetLossPctAvg
  • New values have been added which provide a more information about packet loss: packetLossPctMax, packetLossPctMin, and packetLossPctLastValue
  • Improved accuracy of metrics around times when metrics aren't reported
  • Fixed an issue where metrics would stop reporting after a call reconnect

Release notes


Stop a participant's screen share

'participants' admins can now stop screen shares initiated by other participants in a session. This added capability allows admins to moderate the content that's shared in a session.

Release notes



Release notes

  • This release of daily-react includes performance enhancements and bugfixes.
  • For more information, check out the release notes for 0.14.0 and 0.14.1.


useDailyError hook

  • New hook useDailyError: this hook returns a stateful representation of the last meetingError (emitted per error event) and nonFatalError (emitted per nonfatal-error event)

Release notes

Daily Prebuilt

  • Added a visual highlight to Tray icons that are used to open the sidebar in order to help users more easily understand which features are currently in use.
  • Added support for the daily-js canSend permissions.
  • Fixed a handful of Picture-in-Picture bugs that occur on Safari 17.
  • Fixed an issue in SFU calls where screen shares would take a while to start playing when received by remote participants.
  • Fixed an issue in P2P calls where remote participant audio would occasionally fail to play.
  • Fixed an issue for mobile clients where the recording status indicator would appear as only a red dot.

Media Services


  • VCS: added a LowerThird component; a type of graphic overlay inspired by the television industry.




  • Removed the formats input parameter from our batch processor transcription API. Post-call transcription is now available in srt, json, txt, and vtt by default.
  • The batch processor API now includes an error attribute for failed jobs.


  • Fixed an issue where room information would not be displayed if the room was provided with a very large exp value.


  • The oldest supported version of daily-js is now 0.43.0.