December 6, 2023


New features in the last month include:

  • Screen sharing support on daily-ios
  • Transcription support on daily-android
  • Screen share publishing settings on daily-ios and daily-android
  • Daily Prebuilt's mobile UX has been improved, including a desktop experience for iPads and tablets
  • CPU and visual performance improvements for Daily Prebuilt's background effects




This release of daily-js includes a number of features, improvements, and bugfixes, including:

  • Updating the name of DailyIframe to Daily in order to reduce the confusion between using daily-js to build a custom app and control Daily Prebuilt.
  • Improved the cpu-load-change event to reduce the likelihood of false positives.
  • Introduced the new method meetingSessionSummary() as a replacement for getMeetingSession() and event meeting-session-summary-updated as a replacement for meeting-session-updated.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes:




This release of react-native-daily-js includes a number of features, improvements, and bugfixes, including:

  • Updating the name of DailyIframe to Daily in order to reduce the confusion between using daily-js to build a custom app and control Daily Prebuilt.
  • Improved the cpu-load-change event to reduce the likelihood of false positives.
  • Introduced the new method meetingSessionSummary() as a replacement for getMeetingSession() and event meeting-session-summary-updated as a replacement for meeting-session-updated.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes:





  • Fixed a race condition in DailyAudio when assigning a participant to an <audio> element, who wasn't updated in React state, yet, which could lead to the participant not being heard.
  • Fixed the return value of updateInputSettings, returned from useInputSettings



Support for addition transcription parameters

It is now possible to pass additional transcription settings to start_transcription() using the new extra field.

Specify input constraints

Custom MediaTrackConstraints, like echo cancellation and noise suppression, can now be specified for inputs. See the VideoInputSettings and AudioInputSettings.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes:



Screen publishing settings

You can now control a screen share's publishing settings, which allows you to control the resolution, frame rate, and bitrate for a screen share. See ScreenVideoPublishingSettingsUpdate to get started.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Screen sharing support

daily-ios clients now support screen sharing. Screen sharing is composed of two parts: a broadcast upload extension and the screen share support inside the iOS SDK. For more details, refer to the screen sharing guide.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.



Screen publishing settings

You can now control a screen share's publishing settings, which allows you to control the resolution, frame rate, and bitrate for a screen share. See ScreenVideoPublishingSettingsUpdate to get started.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Transcriptions support

Start and stop transcriptions from your daily-android client. See startTranscription and stopTranscription to get started.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.

Daily Prebuilt

Features and improvements

  • Tablets and iPads now have the ability to run the full desktop Prebuilt experience. As part of this release, we have disabled picture-in-picture viewing on tablets using Safari.
  • Viewing on mobile devices has been improved to optimize for video aspect ratios native to your device.
  • Improved the CPU and visual performance of background blur and effects.
  • Chat notifications now appear in a snackbar when the Chat panel is not visible.
  • Improved CPU performance for users joining a Breakout session.
  • Only render the speaking while muted popover while in a meeting.
  • Admins are not distinguished in the People panel by a new icon.


  • Fixed an issues where users with a poor connection would appear to fade in and fade out.
  • Fixed an issue for users on older browsers where the grid view would resize itself.
  • Fixed an issue where users could appear twice in the picture-in-picture view.

Media Services

  • All Daily calls now have the ability to add a PSTN & SIP Dial-In number for phone calls.
  • Fixed an issue that may have caused transcription messages to return as empty.
  • Fixed an issue where transcription messages could be undefined, resulting in an error.

VCS Features

  • VCS now supports banner images as part of the image overlay option.
  • VCS baseline composition Banner component's fade animation can be toggled with banner.enableTransition.
  • VCS baseline comp dominant mode sorts active speaker right after screen share when preferScreenshare is on.
  • EmojiReactions component is now available in the VCS baseline composition.
  • Chat messages from Prebuilt can be displayed in a VCS composition for recording and live streaming.
  • New param 'image.emoji' in VCS baseline comp allows using an emoji instead of an image asset.
  • Added a new Sidebar component in VCS baseline composition.
  • VCS baseline composition new param 'webFrame.zPosition' allows placing the WebFrame element in the background.


  • Toggle password visibility when a user is signing up.


  • The oldest supported version of daily-js is now 0.46.0.