
<DailyAudio />

The DailyAudio component manages audio for a Daily call in your React app. With default settings it will play any remote audio and screenAudio tracks, while maintaining up to 5 speaker slots. In case one of the <audio> tags fails to play, DailyAudio will call onPlayFailed with detailed information and a reference to the <audio> tag for which the play() failed.

DailyAudio is meant to be a plug-and-play solution to audio for React apps integrating Daily. If you need a custom audio composition head over to DailyAudioTrack.

Props (optional)

autoSubscribeActiveSpeakerbooleanWhen enabled and the call is configured to use manual track subscriptions, DailyAudio automatically subscribes to any active speaker's audio track.
maxSpeakersnumberDefines the amount of participants that can be heard simultaneously. Defaults to 5
onPlayFailedFunctionCallback when an <audio> tag fails to play()
playLocalScreenAudiobooleanWhen set to true the local participant's screenAudio will be played. Defaults to false
refObjectGrants access to a set of methods to query for <audio> elements rendered from DailyAudio

Querying for <audio> elements

When passing a ref to DailyAudio, the passed ref receives access to methods to query for subsets of rendered <audio> elements via useImperativeHandle. Use these methods to query for <audio> elements rendered from DailyAudio in order to get DOM-level access. As an example, having direct access to the HTMLAudioElements rendered will allow you to adjust output volume levels.

getAllAudio()HTMLAudioElement[]Returns all rendered <audio> elements
getActiveSpeakerAudio()HTMLAudioElement | nullReturns the <audio> element containing the audio track for the active speaker, or null in case there is no active speaker
getScreenAudio()HTMLAudioElement[]Returns all <audio> elements with a screenAudio track assigned
getAudioBySessionId(sessionId: string)HTMLAudioElement | nullReturns the <audio> element for the given sessionId and an audio track assigned
getScreenAudioBySessionId(sessionId: string)HTMLAudioElement | nullReturns the <audio> element for the given sessionId and an screenAudio track assigned

Sample code