
A POST request to /webhooks creates a new webhook.

Creates a new webhook. Returns an error if the webhook URL provided does not return a 200 status code within a few seconds. Upon creation, new sessions should begin to emit the events specified in the eventTypes field.

When creating a webhook via the POST /webhooks endpoint, Daily will send a request to the webhook server with a test request body. If we do not receive a 200 status code relatively quickly, we will consider the endpoint faulty and return a 400 error. It can be helpful to return a response immediately before handling the event to avoid webhook disruptions.

Body params


The webhook server endpoint that was provided.


The basic auth credentials that will be used to POST to the webhook URL.


The retry configuration for this webhook endpoint to use. The default is circuit-breaker.

Options: "circuit-breaker","exponential"

The set of event types this webhook is subscribed to.


A secret that can be used to verify the signature of the webhook. If not provided, an hmac will be provisioned for you and returned.

Response Body Parameters


The unique identifier for this webhook.


The webhook server endpoint that was provided.


A secret that can be used to verify the signature of the webhook.


The basic auth credentials that will be used to POST to the webhook URL.


The retry configuration for this webhook endpoint to use. The default is circuit-breaker.

Options: "circuit-breaker","exponential"

The set of event types this webhook is subscribed to.


The current state of the webhook. "FAILED" | "INACTIVE"

The number of consecutive failures this webhook has made.

The ISO 8601 time of the last moment an event was pushed to the webhook server.


The domain ID this webhook is associated with.


The ISO 8601 time of when this webhook was created.


The ISO 8601 time of when this webhook was last updated.

Example requests