VCS Text component

Renders the provided text, which can optionally overflow onto multiple lines. Similar to a <p> element in HTML.

Text components typically have a style and layout prop provided to define how the text looks and where it should be placed within the parent layout container.

VCS doesn’t have a style inheritance cascade like in CSS, so if you don’t pass the style prop, your text will get global default styling.


Properties specific to the <Text> component.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
transformObjectAn object defining transformations to be applied at the compositing stage. Supported properties: rotate_deg (Number), which specifies the rotation of the component in degrees.null
blendObjectAn object of compositing-related properties. Supported child properties: opacity: (Number), which can range from 0 to 1 (0 is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque). If you don't pass a value for blend, or the object you pass doesn't include opacity, it defaults to full opacity.null
clipBooleanControls whether the box clips the rendering of its children within its own layout frame.false

Properties available to all VCS components, including this one.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
idStringA name of your choice for the component instance. Works just like the “id” property in HTML. Primarily useful for debugging.null
keyString, NumberThis prop has a special meaning to the React runtime. When you render components inside an array (e.g. a list), each individual item in the array should have a different value for the key prop. React uses this internally to quickly compare the rendered array with its previous version.null
styleObjectAn object of style. Each component class has its own supported style properties. For example, the Text lets you select font styles and sizing using style, but these are not relevant to other components. Note: VCS style properties are not the same as CSS properties.{}
layoutArrayAllows you to hook into your rendered components into the VCS layout system. After the React render cycle completes, the layout system computes final layout frames (coordinates within the output viewport). You can guide the layout process using callback functions and data you provide using the layout prop. The first value of the array must be a layout function. The second (optional) value can be a data object containing param values, which is passed to the layout function when computing the layout. See Layout API for more details.null

style prop

The style prop accepts an object that can have the following values set.

textColorStringColor of text to be rendered. Valid CSS values are accepted.
fontSize_guNumberSize of font in gu (grid units), a relative. Refer to the VCS docs for information on grid units. unit.
fontSize_pxNumberSize of font in px (pixel), an absolute unit.
fontFamilyStringFont family to render text in. Accepted values: Roboto, RobotoCondensed, Anton, Bangers, Bitter, Exo, Magra, PermanentMarker, SuezOne, Teko
fontStyleStringFont style to render text in. Accepted values: normal, italic
fontWeightStringFont weight to render text in. Accepted values: '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900'
strokeColorStringColor of outline around text characters.
strokeWidth_pxNumberStroke width in pixels of outline around text characters.
Valid color format options:
  • Hex color codes
  • RGB or RGBA syntax
  • Standard CSS color names (e.g. 'blue')