Waiting Participant Left
A waiting participant left event is sent when a knocking participant (see blog post) leaves the knocking state. In other words, when a knocker begins to knock and leaves before being allowed into a room, a waiting-participant.left
event is sent. If a knocker is allowed into a room and then leaves, a participant.left
event is sent.
Webhook Events
There are five common fields all events share:
Represents the version of the event. This uses semantic versioning to inform a consumer if the payload has introduced any breaking changes.
Represents the type of the event described in the payload.
An identifier representing this specific event.
An object representing the event, whose fields are described below.
Documenting when the webhook itself was sent. This timestamp is different than the time of the event the webhook describes. For example, a recording.started event will contain a start_ts timestamp of when the actual recording started, and a slightly later event_ts timestamp indicating when the webhook event was sent.
The semantic version of the current message.
The Unix epoch time in seconds representing when the event was generated.
The payload of the object, describing the given event.
The Unix epoch time in seconds representing when the waiting participant joined.
The time in seconds representing how long the participant was in the call.
The user session ID, or participant id.
The name of the room.
The ID of the user, set by the meeting token.
The name of the user, set by the meeting token.
A flag determining if this user is considered the owner.
The Unix epoch time in seconds representing when the participant will be ejected.
The permissions object, that describes what the participant is permitted to do during this call.
Determines whether the participant is "present" or "hidden"
Array of strings identifying which types of media the participant can send or a boolean to grant/revoke permissions for all media types.
Which media the participant should be permitted to receive.
Array of strings identifying which types of admin tasks the participant can do or a boolean to grant/revoke permissions for all types.