March 19, 2024


The latest releases include the following highlights:

  • daily-android adds camera zoom and flashlight control and custom tracks are now generally available.
  • daily-ios adds new custom track methods and custom tracks are now generally available.
  • daily-python now supports native Voice Activity Detection (VAD) to enable building voice AI applications.
  • Two new participant webhooks are added, indicating when a participant joins and leaves a session.




  • If you're using Daily to dial out from your calls, you can now specify the displayName.
  • We fixed an issue where base64 data URLs were failing when used in updateInputSettings().
  • We've added the ability to disable the microphone when it's muted using a new forceDiscardTrack option for setLocalAudio(false). This option will enforce Daily to discard the track along with muting the mic. Doing so will have the effect of turning off mic-in-use indicators. While this sounds ideal, this flag should be used cautiously. By default, we do not discard the microphone track because unmuting requires re-fetching the track and introduces a delay that likely clips the start of someone talking. Popular web based video calling services do not use this. We've added this capability for use cases where users are connected to a Daily session for a very long time and they aren't speaking (e.g. a virtual work or office).

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.




  • If you're using Daily to dial out from your calls, you can now specify the displayName.
  • We've added the ability to disable the microphone when it's muted using a new forceDiscardTrack option for setLocalAudio(false). This option will enforce Daily to discard the track along with muting the mic. Doing so will have the effect of turning off mic-in-use indicators. While this sounds ideal, this flag should be used cautiously. By default, we do not discard the microphone track because unmuting requires re-fetching the track and introduces a delay that likely clips the start of someone talking. Popular web based video calling services do not use this. We've added this capability for use cases where users are connected to a Daily session for a very long time and they aren't speaking (e.g. a virtual work or office).

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.



Zoom and flashlight controls

daily-android now provides native controls to turn on the flashlight (introduced in 0.16.0) and control the camera zoom. You can control both using the updateInputs() method. We've also provided convenience methods making it easier to control the camera and flashlight:

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Custom tracks are now GA

Custom tracks for daily-android are now generally available. In this first GA release, here are the highlights:

HIPAA: User analytics improvements

For customers with HIPAA compliance enabled for their account, you can now set a user's user_id to a UUID using a meeting token. Since this UUID doesn't contain and PHI or PII, it can be stored by Daily. Using this UUID, you can map between the Daily call and tracking you have for that individual to provide better troubleshooting support, usage tracking, and analytics. You can read more about this in our docs.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.





  • Fixed an issue that could cause join to fail if recording/transcription/live stream was started from the REST API.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


Custom tracks are now GA

Custom tracks for daily-ios are now generally available. In this first GA release, here are the highlights:

HIPAA: User analytics improvements

For customers with HIPAA compliance enabled for their account, you can now set a user's user_id to a UUID using a meeting token. Since this UUID doesn't contain and PHI or PII, it can be stored by Daily. Using this UUID, you can map between the Daily call and tracking you have for that individual to provide better troubleshooting support, usage tracking, and analytics. You can read more about this in our docs.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.


0.7.0, 0.7.1

Voice Activity Detection (VAD)

daily-python now includes built-in voice activity detection (VAD). This advanced feature enhances applications by accurately identifying when human speech is occurring, making it particularly beneficial in noise-rich environments. VAD is pivotal for developers building voice integrations with Large Language Model (LLM) agents, ensuring seamless and efficient interactions by initiating processing only when actual speech is detected.

Completion callbacks change

⚠️ Breaking change ⚠️: Completion callbacks now receive only the necessary arguments. For example, before CallClient.leave(completion=...) completion callback would receive (None, Error | None) arguments when it should only receive (Error | None). Check out the release notes for more information.

Release notes

For more information, check out the release notes.



  • Fixed an issue where useTranscription() returned isTranscribing: true after a meeting ended.
  • Fixed an issue where useActiveSpeakerId() unnecessarily initialized its state with null, when an active speaker id was already present.
  • Fixed an issue where useAudioLevel() broke echo cancellation in Firefox, due to unintentionally playing out an audio track when it was meant to be analyzed only.

Daily Prebuilt

Improvements and fixes

  • Mobile users now see higher resolution and frame rate for the active speaker on page one.
  • Fixed an infrequent issue where it was possible to encounter a CORS error when trying to join a call.
  • Fixed an issue where some Safari users would see translation keys instead of text in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue on mobile where Daily Prebuilt would render a custom button light mode icon when the device was in dark mode.
  • Fixed an issue where after applying a custom virtual background and switching to "None", Daily Prebuilt still applied the original custom background when the page refreshes.

Features and improvements

Media Services

Batch Processor

  • Added Swedish language support.

Dial-in & Dial-out

  • Added verified caller IDs for outbound calls.



  • The oldest supported version of daily-js is now 0.51.0.