
Daily offers several no-code solutions for adding video to your app in less than 15 minutes. Learn how to embed Daily Prebuilt and interact with Daily's REST API without writing any code via the following no-code Daily integrations:

Daily's Bubble integration

Daily's free Bubble integration is available for developers looking to quickly add video to their Bubble apps. We've put together a blog tutorial and video tutorial to get you up and running, fast.

Daily's Bildr integration

To support no-code developers looking to add video calls to their Bildr apps, we've made a video tutorial to help you get your accounts set up and a Daily video call embedded in your app in less than 15 minutes.

Daily integration blog tutorials

In case you're looking for third-party chat integrations instead of no-code solutions, we've included our blog tutorials on working with third-party chat APIs, such as TalkJs, in your Daily app.