Create & provision the room for dial-in with a PIN Code

You can create a room with your desired Daily Room configuration along with PSTN dial-in by adding the dialin property. The dialin property has the following fields:

  • display_name : when PSTN participant join the room, it is displayed as given name.
  • wait_for_meeting_start: If PSTN participant join before the start of room, should PSTN participant wait in conference or should the call disconnect. When wait_for_meeting_start is set, PSTN participant listen the hold music till the room starts.
  • room_numbers: if you have purchased unique phone numbers for your domain. You can assign one of the phone numbers assigned to pin_dialin. If no room number is specified the default phone number is chosen (typically, earliest purchased number). For e.g., room_numbers:[{phone_number:12095038039}].

All PSTN enabled rooms must have an expiry date exp (link) shorter than 365 days. If you’re using an owner token, we also recommend using an eject flag.

Note that if you have bought a phone number, the room creation will return the phone number that you can use to dial-in. However, you can use our Global phone numbers in addition to the phone number associated to your domain.

Here's an example REST API call showing how to configure PSTN dial-in:

Example API Return

The API will return a Dial-In Code that is unique to your room.

How to test

  1. Join the call with the room URL:
  2. To join via phone, call tel:+12095038039,,12345678987 (example case).
  3. Enjoy!
Note: the `,,` between the phone number and the PIN is a pause. It signals to the telephone dialer that it should wait for connecting to the phone call before automatically entering the PIN code. This is a UX improvement and avoids the end-user to manually enter the PIN.

Assign a phone number to pincode flow

If you have purchased a number for your domain and want to assign it to the dialin with pin workflow, here is an example showing the phone number assignment:

Read more about the REST API at: pin_dialin.