

Returns a Promise that resolves with an object of CPU stats:

The latest field is a collection of statistics from the most recent time period. These statistics are updated approximately once every two seconds. You can poll the getCpuLoadStats() method to continually read the current CPU performance.

The getCpuLoadStats method applies to video calls only.

  • cpuLoadState is an assessment of the current CPU state, which can be either high or low.
  • cpuLoadStateReason can have values of:
    • none when the cpuLoadState is low.
    • encode when the cpuLoadState is high and video encoding is the primary cause for the high CPU load.
    • decode when the cpuLoadState is high and video decoding is the primary cause for the high CPU load.
    • scheduleDuration when the cpuLoadState is high and specific functions in the Daily code are not completing within a specified interval.